Browse the categories or search for the product you want to order. When you find it, click on the product to view the details.
Add to Cart
On the product page, specify the quantity and quality of the product you want. Then click the “Add to Cart” button to add the product to your shopping cart.
Cart Checkout
At the top of the page, click on the “Cart” icon or text to view the selected products and their quantities. Make sure each product is exactly what you want to order.
Shipping and Payment Information
Continue with the payment process by clicking the “Place Order” button. Fill in the required fields for shipping information, and then select a payment method. For special conditions or other requirements, add a note in the ‘Comments’ field.
Order Finalization
After confirming all the details, click the “Make Payment” or “Finalize Order” button to complete your purchase. You will receive a confirmation of your order on your screen and in your registered email.